Creating Client Galleries is a powerful sales tool both in-person and remotely. PhotoBiz Client Galleries makes it easy for you to sell prints, packages, and digitals files.
We recently hosted a Facebook Live session to show how to set up Client Galleries and the Ecommerce portion for Client Galleries. Check out our video, below, and the following step by step points for setting up PhotoBiz Client Galleries.
Setting up Client Galleries
Design Setup
When you open your Client Galleries tool for the first time, there are a few things we recommend doing to get set up. You can always tweak these settings whenever you like, but the list below will help you get ready to use your Client Galleries tool with clients.
Add Logo
It is important to brand your Client Galleries tool for consistency with clients. The most prominent piece of your branding is your logo. You can upload your logo by clicking on the DESIGN tab and then BRANDING.
Click here for step-by-step instructions on uploading your logo to Client Galleries.
Other aspects of the DESIGN tab we recommend looking at are the LAYOUT and THEMES sections.
The layout controls allow you to choose your event cover page layout and gallery layout.
Cover Page Layouts
Full Screen Original, Vertical Split Left, Vertical Split Right, Square Left, Square Right, Horizontal Top, Viewport Top, Overlay Left, Overlay Center
Gallery Layouts
Square, Pinboard, Rectangle, Portrait
The four options to display the gallery of client images: square, pinboard, rectangle, or portrait. Square, rectangle, and portrait crop in for a more uniform look to the gallery where the pinboard layout shows the images as is.
The theme section will enable you to choose a style for the icons your clients will click on to interact with the images, and then customize the colors if desired.
In addition to adding your logo and customizing the design, there are a few other settings you may need to tweak before you're ready to start sharing image galleries with your customers.
Follow the links below for more information about the SETTINGS section of the Client Galleries control panel:
Change how your company name is displayed
Create An Event
Now it's time to set up galleries for your clients to view their images. To get started, go to the EVENTS tab in your Client Galleries control panel and click on NEW EVENT. If you have different categories of clients (e.g., Seniors, Families, Newborns), you can set up these categories to help you stay organized.
For step-by-step instructions on setting up events, click here.
Events are organized into categories. By default, the new event will be created in the first category in your account, you can drag-and-drop it to a different category, or click on the CATAGORY you want the event in before clicking NEW EVENT.
Now you can edit the settings for the event, and load galleries of images.
Setting up bulk downloads
You have three options for bulk downloads:
- No (doesn't allow bulk downloads in the gallery)
- Yes (allows bulk downloads in the gallery)
- Yes, with code (enables bulk downloads for that gallery with the use of a password).
Learn more about bulk downloads and how to sell bulk downloads:
Setting up Ecommerce for Client Galleries
Setting up Prints
You can sell prints with the Client Galleries tool and you have complete control over the individual print sizes you sell. You can set up the sizes from the ECOMMERCE control panel. Mouse over the SELL ONLINE menu and click on PRINTS then to begin adding your prints, click the NEW PRINT SIZE button.
You will be prompted to type out your PRINT SIZE and PRICE. The print size is a label for what your Client Galleries visitors will see. Here you can also set the print size as active or inactive (not available for purchase) and if necessary, add an additional shipping price (for example, a large print size might require extra shipping costs).
Click SAVE to save your changes. To add additional print sizes, repeat these steps.
Setting up Digital Images
You can enable digital image downloads in Client Galleries by setting up digital prints in the ECOMMERCE control panel. This will allow your customers to download images immediately after they purchase them.
To begin, mouse over the SELL ONLINE menu and click on DIGITAL IMAGES. Then click on the option for NEW IMAGE.
Here you can edit your digital image by including the name, price, resolution, and setting the status to active.
Configure your new digital image.
NAME: Enter a name for your digital images such as a web-resolution file or print resolution file.
PRICE: Enter a pricefor your digital image.
RESOLUTION: Select a resolution setting for your digital image.
- Web Size - Low Resolution Images will be a max of 1500 x 865 pixels and 72 dpi
- Web Size - High Resolution Images will be a max of 3000 x 1730 pixels and 72 dpi
- Original Files: This is a premium upgrade on some accounts that allows you to offer digital images at their original size (up to 50MB). To learn how to add this feature to your account, please click here.
ACTIVE - choose whether this is active or not with your ecommerce
CHARGE TAX - charge sales tax, yes or no
Click add digital image to save your digital print option.
You can set up multiple digital image options by returning to your main list of prints and adding additional digital images.
Make sure you SAVE CHANGES after adding a new print option.
In order for the digital print to be available for your customers to purchase, make sure to add it to the price list.
Once a client has placed an order for a digital print, they will receive an email with a download link for their digital prints. The download link will not work until the order is paid.
Setting up Packages
You can sell a wide variety of packages through PhotoBiz Client Galleries. From your ECOMMERCE control panel mouse over SELL ONLINE and select PACKAGES.
Click on the option for NEW PACKAGE. You have three packages to choose from.
Fixed Packages
Fixed packages allow you to create packages with simple pricing structures, that allow customers to select poses among their proofs in specific sizes.
With a fixed package, you can set up how many quantities of print sizes and poses are available for the customer to choose from. For example:
Say you have 11 x 16, 8 x 10, 5 x 7, 4 x 6 as the print sizes available for a package. You can set the quantity of each print size.
- 11 x 16 - 1 print
- 8 x 10 - 3 prints
- 5 x 7 - 8 prints
- 4 x 6 - 10 prints
You set also how many poses they can choose from for a package; they can then pick up the number of poses for the fixed amount of prints you made available in those sizes.
Flexible Packages
Flexible packages allow you to create packages based on unit pricing structures, or packages where the number of poses that your customers can select from for their package may not be the same as the number of prints within the package.
For example, you may have two poses available for them to choose from for ten prints they can purchase. There is no set quantity for the print sizes, just the total number of prints. With a flexible package, they could pick ten 11 x 16's or five 8 x 10's, one 11 x 16, two 5 x 7's, and two 4 x 6's.
Digital Packages
Digital packages allow your clients to purchase digital versions of their images in their Client Galleries event.
Your clients can download their selected images individually after they submit their payment.
Note: Digital packages are only available for Client Galleries Events and are not supported with Ecommerce Events.
To begin setting up your digital packages, go to ECOMMERCE, hover over SELL ONLINE, click PACKAGES, and click NEW PACKAGE.
Digital Full Event
Digital Full Event Packages allow your clients to purchase their entire event gallery to download for one price.
Your clients will receive a link to download a zip file containing all of their images once they've paid for their order.
You can now choose from the four different package types, select DIGITAL to set up your new digital package, and click NEXT.
After creating your package, you can proceed to STEP 2 to add your PACKAGE INFO, where you will add the details of your package, such as the package name, description, quantity, price, and resolution type. Click SAVE CHANGES to finalize your package setup.
You will now see a new tab labeled IMAGES, where you can add images to represent this package for your shoppers.
Note: Images added here are for display purposes only. This is an image to represent the package, not an image to sell.
After selecting the package type, STEP 2: PACKAGE INFO will be where you enter the details for the package itself, and then finally, you will be prompted to add your print sizes and click PACKAGES.
After you create a package, additional customization options will appear.
- Print Sizes: Edit your print sizes and add additional sizes. (Note: For fixed packages, click on the new size you made and add the number of prints available for that package.)
- Images: Add images to be associated with a package (Note: Images added here are only for display purposes.)
- Options: Add options to your package such as colors, paper choices, etc.
- SEO and Search: Enter meta information for this package.
- Add-ons: If you want people to add prints to a package you can set up options for additional posts and prints.
Setting up Products
You can sell products associated with images through PhotoBiz Client Galleries. You can set these up in your ECOMMERCE control panel. Mouse over SELL ONLINE and select PRODUCTS. Now you can set up product categories and products. Within each product category, there is a NEW PRODUCT button.
Note: You can drag and drop a product to a different category after it is created as well.
You can enter your product details such as the product NAME, DESCRIPTIONS, and PRICE. You can also modify the product settings such as making the product ACTIVE (available for sale online), charging TAX and/or SHIPPING, and entering in an ADDITIONAL SHIPPING COST if needed. Once you have entered in the product details, click the CREATE PRODUCT button.
After you create a product, additional options to edit and modify your product become available.
- Images: Add images to display your product. (Note: This image represents your product, but is not sold on its own.)
- Options: Give shoppers options for purchasing products such as colors, finishes, style, size, etc.
- Photo Requirements: If you are selling a product that people can select an image to be printed on, you can set a minimum and the maximum number of images that may be selected for your product.
- Digital Download: Set up files that customers can download after they purchase the product.
- SEO and Search: Customize keywords that people can use to find your product on your site, plus metadata for search engines.
- Stock: Track your products and quantity you have available in your inventory. You can set an initial amount for your product when you start tracking and then update it as needed.
You can delete any products from your control panel by checking the checkbox next to the product and choosing the DELETE button. You can also drag the product to the delete icon.
Setting up Merchants
The merchants' section of ECOMMERCE is where you set up methods to accept payment. We have several merchant options for both online and offline payments.
Mouse over PAYMENT and click MERCHANTS from the drop-down menu. Then click NEW MERCHANTS. Choose from one of the credit card processing companies or set up an offline payment method.
Depending on the merchant you select, you will be prompted to enter merchant identification information from your provider that will connect to your merchant gateway. You can also sign up for and connect to Stripe, Square and iTransact directly through the ecommerce control panel.
From there, you will see that you have the option to add SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS and a custom THANK YOU MESSAGE.
The last step to creating your payment method (in this example, we are adding a new credit card processor as a merchant option), is to select what credit cards you wish to accept. (Tip: Check with your merchant providerās policies in case different credit cards (VISA, AMEX, MasterCard, Discover) are charged different transaction fees when receiving them as a form of payment to make an informed decision about what you want enabled on your site.)
When you have configured your settings for your payment method, click the ADD MERCHANT button, and you will see a confirmation message that your payment option has been successfully added. You can set up as many payment methods as you'd like your clients to choose from.
Setting up Shipping Methods
If you are selling something through your PhotoBiz Client Galleries tool that requires shipping, you will want to create SHIPPING METHODS in the ECOMMERCE control panel.
To add a shipping method, mouse over PAYMENT and select SHIPPING from the drop-down menu.
Then click NEW SHIPPING METHOD. You can enter the name of your shipping methods, such as USPS or free pick up in the studio. The shipping method is visible at checkout for your customers. If you have multiple shipping methods, your customers will be required to choose one.
Click Here For Our Full Guide on Setting Up A Shipping Method
The shipping method DESCRIPTION is optional but can be used to display more information to your client about the shipping method. For example, you can use this field to set expectations about the timeline for their items to arrive.
PRICE allows you to set the amount to charge for the shipping method. There are two different options for configuring your shipping price.
- Flat shipping: Set a flat dollar amount, everyone will be charged the same amount.
- Percentage shipping: Charge a percentage of the order total along with a minimum to make sure you cover your shipping costs.
In individual products, you also can set ADDITIONAL SHIPPING CHARGES. Therefore from the shipping methods area, you also have the option to exclude additional shipping charges by choosing yes or no.
You can set up multiple shipping methods if you wish to allow your customer to choose how they will receive their shipment (e.g., mail, pick up in the studio.)
After you choose all the settings, click ADD SHIPPING OPTION.
Setting Up Sales Tax
Most clients needs to collect sales tax on their orders, the ECommerce control panel gives you the ability to configure tax lines based on your local requirements.
Setting up Price Lists
In your ECOMMERCE control panel, after you set up pricing for individual products, prints, and packages, you need to associate those prices with a price list for Client Galleries. The price list ultimately determines what gets displayed on your site or in your client galleries. You have the ability to assign different price lists to different events or client galleries, and there is a global price list that is generally used for your online store.
To create a new price list, mouse over SELL ONLINE and click PRICE LIST from the drop-down menu.
Every account starts with a global price list with all products, prints, services, and packages turned on (Note: You can edit the global price list to choose what is offered). To create a new price list to assign to an event, click on the NEW PRICE LIST button.
You can then name your price list. It is best to call your price list, something easily distinguishable (e.g., portraits, weddings, seniors).
Then you can go through each section of the price list and choose what products to associate with the list by selecting the all, none, and custom radio buttons.
Finally, click ADD PRICE LIST.
Placing Galleries on Your Website
Click on the WEBSITE tab in your PhotoBiz control panel. Select a page or create a NEW PAGE you'd like to display your CLIENT GALLERIES. Once you've selected a page, design your page how you like and place a CLIENT GALLERIES BLOCK from the right side menu.
Click on the CLIENT GALLERIES BLOCK to modify it. You can modify the LAYOUT, STYLING, LAST LINK ITEMS, COLORS, and which CLIENT GALLERIES EVENTS are displayed in each block. Once you are all set up with your desired look, CLICK SAVE. Then view your live page.
That's it now you have your Client Galleries set up to display on your site and events set up for customers to purchase from. Client Galleries is an amazing tool and comes with every PhotoBiz website account or you can purchase Client Galleries on its own
Need help setting up Client Galleries? Give our Passionate SupportĀ® team a call at 1.866.463.7620. We're here to help you, whether it is getting your first client gallery set up, or your thousandth gallery.